My first post will include this character profile and sketch of Animan, the villian will follow in another post.
Name: Animan
Race: Re engineered human cyborg
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Months
Birthday: 04/04/04
Standing only 15 centimetres tall Animan is a handsome looking man although not really a man as he doesn't have anything to qualify him as one, black hear in a neat and well groomed style, pale green eyes giving him superior eye sight to your average human.
He has many outfits provided for him but some that he wears are made of heavily durable materials that are able to withstand many extremities in environments. However he prefers to wear an open shirt with jeans.
-Height: 15 cm
-Weight: 1.2 kg
-Fitness: A slender build
-Skin: Light pink flash tone
-Hair: Black hair
Animan is by nature an inquisitive individual his personality traits stem from basic attributes the scientist making him deemed necessary for his proposed job. He frighted of little and stares danger in the face often, however he is still young and does have an infants mind. Which is the cause of his relatively low concentration levels and why he is not used in many experiments at the this point in his life cycle. Childish and care free Animan likes to play games and converse with every individual he meets, making him well liked by the scientist that look after him.
-Likes: Crème filled fizzy strawberry pencils; smart people; parks;
-Dislikes: Being kicked; not being taken seriously; people thinking he is an ultra real doll and being played with; synthetic DNA eating viruses.
-Phobias: synthetic DNA eating viruses
-Weakness: synthetic DNA eating viruses
An enhanced metal skeleton making him presumably indestructible; synthetic muscle giving him strength beyond that of natural muscle, engineered organs allow him to cope in all manner of environments particularly ones found on other planets in our solar system; synthetic eyes for sampling more light than humans can allow him to see more detail.
Birthplace: Allison Biodynamics Corporation Lab's, United States of America
Dr Francis Peterson was the main designer behind Animan and considered his creator although there were many other individuals that contributed to him being built.
Friends: Dr Kristi Leon; Dr Silvia Perkins; Dr Alex Ricardo Waller
Enemies: Lelia
Animan is an experiment by the Allison Biodynamics Corporation, he is the result of extensive research in both cybertronics and genetics. He was initially designed for space exploration and is still one of his primary uses but now is employed in many other fields for the company such as design and testing, rescue and general helping needed by the scientists.
He has an engineered alloy skeleton which is practically impossible to break, genetically engineered synthetic muscle able to apply several times the force of natural muscles hence his strength to carry many times his own weight. As well as enhanced and optimised organs for endurance and harsh environments. The cybertronics team were able to produce the first human intelligent equivalent synthetic brain using many exotic materials to carry out the processing needed to carry out every day functions we do. The brain was modelled on our own but the components that were used were smaller and more optimised for their function and as a result Animan displays intelligence above normal humans even though he has a comparatively small brain. The enhancements that Animan has over your average human is large and extensive and as a result would make him very dangerous if he were to go rogue and attack people so to counter act this the scientists who made him decided to make a scale model of him and reduce his size to a mere 15 centimetres. This would make him relatively harmless and would mean the scientists could get him under control fairly easily. His black hair contains many sensors for detecting various things about the environment, pale green eyes which sample light on many more levels than we do and therefore can see into the infra-red and ultra-violet spectrum's.
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