Friday, March 14, 2008

Angry Man

Possible Story for Final Assessment - Requires work if i do decide to use it.

First Scene-

Main character is casually walking down a street on a daily trip. A second character walks into frame from opposite direction at a brisk pace knocks into main character on passing him and continues walking out of frame.

Main Character shouts angrily: “hey! Watch where you're going idiot!”

The second character pays no attention and walks off in to the distance.

Wanting revenge the main character stalks after him.

Second Scene-

The main character has caught up with the second character and is planning his revenge he notices a ledge and climbs it to get an advantage over the second character.

Now main character is following second character on ledge, the second character stops at a road. The main character lifts a block over the second characters head and aims it. Before he can drop the block second character walks off and the block misses.

Shot of main characters face- looking really annoyed “I hate this guy”

Gives up.

Next day main character is walking down same street when he sees the second character, shot to main character – he smiles an evil smile- “Tomorrow I'll be ready for you”

Following day main character is waiting for second character, when he spots him he runs at him smashing into the second character sending him flying. Feeling satisfied main character walks away happy.

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